
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

American Photography (Part 3)

  1. What event from this segment was most eye-opening for you? Why?
  2. How have photographs changed the way we see the world?
  3. What impact have digital photos had on the world?
  4. If this video were to continue on to 2011, what events would be covered? What new technologies would you see?

I thought that was most eye catching was all the wars. Because it took a big effect in history. WWI WWII and Vietnam war were some of the big moments in history It was interesting that photographers go to the war and have their own life on the line.

2. Once a picture was taken you get a little bit of what happen and you think about what was going through their mind once they took it.

3.  It helped younger people see what happen back in the past. 
4. There would be 9/11, Iraq War, Elections, etc. I would see the same cameras being used.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Digital Collage

         In this collage there are many things appearing lakes, corvette, New York skyline, The White House, San Francisco,etc. I changed them all to soft light so it would adapt to the background. I couldn't decide what to put in the collage so I decided what my interests were and put those in. I used multiple backgrounds and use soft light. I thought what was must successful was the whole thing. And there would be nothing that I could change.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quarter 2.... and your ideal world.

1. If you lived in your ideal world, what would it look like?
2. Where would it be? 
3. What colors would you see?
4. What objects or things would be common?
5. What objects or things wouldn't be common? 
6. What type of people would live there?
7. How would people interact with each other?
8. What else?  Tell me something unique about your perfect world.

1. It would look like everything I could imagine. Some where in New York
2. It would be in New York.
3. I would see variety of colors, buildings, people, etc
4. Cars, and buildings would be in common.
5. Animals wouldn't be much in common.
6. Every where in the world would be in New York
7. It would be crowded there would be some people being nice and others being stubborn.
8. Everything would be there anything that I could imagine. And  it would just be perfect.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Documentary Photography Project

                                                                     Can I help you?
Fresh Hotdogs!

Oh! Vegetables 

This is fascinating!

Don't touch!

  • What did you photograph for your documentary photography series? 
  • Why did you choose to document this? 
  • What did you want to reveal or show about it?
  • What did you learn about what you documented during this process.  
  • What is your favorite image and why? '

I documented this series because I thought it would be interesting to see what citizens do on a Saturday morning at the farmers market.
 I wanted to show that everything can be photographed and be very interesting to everyone.
 That everything can be photographed and documented.
 My favorite picture was the second picture because he had a hotdog hat on that day.