
Monday, May 14, 2012

Helvetica Recap.

  1. How does a font/typeface create a mood, feeling or image? Describe an occasion when you had a particular reaction to something in print, not because of the content, but because of the font?  
  2. Think of the font you most commonly use when working on your computer. Which one is it and why do you use that one?
  3. How is design an expression of the times? How does politics affect the art of design?
  4. Imagine that the post office, your local bank, or your favorite store or company, whose signage is familiar to you started using a different typeface. How would that change their image or your feeling about that business or organization?
  5. What might you take away from this film in terms of possible effects on your work or other aspects of your daily life?
  6. What changes, if any, has this film made in how you think about print and graphic design.

        A font can create a mood by its figure/shape. When I see the font Times New Roman the top and bottom of it makes it more easier to read then other fonts. The most common font i used is Times New Roman because usually the teacher would ask to print it in that font. Design does make a difference to people, because they like a certain design of it which makes feel that it fits to what their putting it on. Politics affect the design by putting it on govermental documents. In my local area I would change the font so everyone has different kinds of fonts. I wouldn't take anything from the film, because mostly everything that i seen amuses me. The film does change my ways of printing and designing, Because you could have a font that doesn't fit.

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