
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Transformation Project


We lost out there!

                                                                   Give me the ball.

                                                     I've never spun a ball on my finger.


I'm taller than you....

  1. Who did you transform yourself into? Why?
  2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
  3. What was simple about this project? Why?
  4. If you could choose one more photo to add to this transformation project, what would you add?

          I transformed myself into a basketball player because basketball is one of my favorite sports and I've played basketball since I was only 8 years old. The most challenging thing about this project was getting the skin tone close enough to the real one. The simple thing about this project was picking my idea. I didn't what to pick so I picked the idea about being a basketball player. If i had one more photo to choose I would choose to be with the NBA champions taking a photo with the President. I would just add myself to it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Transformation Brainstorm

  1. If you could transform yourself into another person, who would it be?  Would it be a person of a certain occupation?  A celebrity?  A family member? A fictional character?
  2. Why do you want to transform yourself into this person?
  3. What locations will you photograph yourself in?
  4. What props will you need in order to complete this transformation?
  5. What research will you need to do in order to photograph yourself as this person?
  6. Upload a photo of inspiration for your new character. Explain how you will create the mood and expression of that person in your photo series.
I would want be Ryan Higa he is a youtube sensational person. He is really famous on youtube and featured in some TV shoes. Or I would be a BasketBall player.
I would put myself like where he is in a home video making funny stuff. For props I would need to use shirts and sunglassses. I would have to find out from each video what he does most of the time. I would have to look serious and then say something funny.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

American Photography (Part 3)

  1. What event from this segment was most eye-opening for you? Why?
  2. How have photographs changed the way we see the world?
  3. What impact have digital photos had on the world?
  4. If this video were to continue on to 2011, what events would be covered? What new technologies would you see?

I thought that was most eye catching was all the wars. Because it took a big effect in history. WWI WWII and Vietnam war were some of the big moments in history It was interesting that photographers go to the war and have their own life on the line.

2. Once a picture was taken you get a little bit of what happen and you think about what was going through their mind once they took it.

3.  It helped younger people see what happen back in the past. 
4. There would be 9/11, Iraq War, Elections, etc. I would see the same cameras being used.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Digital Collage

         In this collage there are many things appearing lakes, corvette, New York skyline, The White House, San Francisco,etc. I changed them all to soft light so it would adapt to the background. I couldn't decide what to put in the collage so I decided what my interests were and put those in. I used multiple backgrounds and use soft light. I thought what was must successful was the whole thing. And there would be nothing that I could change.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Quarter 2.... and your ideal world.

1. If you lived in your ideal world, what would it look like?
2. Where would it be? 
3. What colors would you see?
4. What objects or things would be common?
5. What objects or things wouldn't be common? 
6. What type of people would live there?
7. How would people interact with each other?
8. What else?  Tell me something unique about your perfect world.

1. It would look like everything I could imagine. Some where in New York
2. It would be in New York.
3. I would see variety of colors, buildings, people, etc
4. Cars, and buildings would be in common.
5. Animals wouldn't be much in common.
6. Every where in the world would be in New York
7. It would be crowded there would be some people being nice and others being stubborn.
8. Everything would be there anything that I could imagine. And  it would just be perfect.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Documentary Photography Project

                                                                     Can I help you?
Fresh Hotdogs!

Oh! Vegetables 

This is fascinating!

Don't touch!

  • What did you photograph for your documentary photography series? 
  • Why did you choose to document this? 
  • What did you want to reveal or show about it?
  • What did you learn about what you documented during this process.  
  • What is your favorite image and why? '

I documented this series because I thought it would be interesting to see what citizens do on a Saturday morning at the farmers market.
 I wanted to show that everything can be photographed and be very interesting to everyone.
 That everything can be photographed and documented.
 My favorite picture was the second picture because he had a hotdog hat on that day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Proposal: Documentary Photography

  1. What are you planning to document for this project?
  2. Why did you choose this idea?
  3. What location will you photograph in?
  4. What type of imagery (subject matter) will you try to capture?
  5. When will you plan on photographing?

         1. I'm planning to photograph something eye catching, exciting, and something that will be interesting for the person                viewing my photography document.

          2. I chose this idea because its basically how I am.

           3. Maybe Downtown Minneapolis.
           4.  Citizens walking, Cars driving by and probably visit some places where people want to work.

            5. I will be planning to start photographing during the weekend.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

American Photography (part 2)

World War Two-  It was a important event in history, It was so important that everyone had to know about it. The Nazi's took jewish families and put them in concentration camps, they had them work till they collapsed and die or, being executed. Many people were affected by this tragedy, many countries were involved in this war.

The second raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, Feb 23, 1945

The next event is 9/11 It was a sad day, no one knew it was going to happen till there was no radio contact with a plane and others were aware of it and prepared for a attack, President Bush was aware of it  till the first plane hit one of the towers. All commercial planes were ordered to land or they will be shot down. Then a second plane hit the other towers The President was frustrated on the next hit. Both towers collapsed very quickly.

This photo shows the twin towers collapsing.


I would document 9/11 it felt that it was important to everyone and it would be interesting to do. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


He was very interesting to photograph many ways to make this picture great.

She inspires me to complete my goals. And her goal was to win the pineapple at a contest.

Political Toddler 
He is very energetic and smiles every time.


He inspires others to not give up and not be afraid of their goals.

Foxy Fox

She is nice to everyone and make you happy when your sad.


She is funny, nice and she likes werewolves and her favorite twilight.

This is my favorite because my sister is super nice and inspiring.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Line,Color, and Texture

     The subject of this photo is the lines of this plant.
      Changes: Hue +15 Saturation +30 Lightness -15 Vibrance +24

Lines 2
             The subject of this photo is the moss on the tree and the rigid lines on the tree.
              Changes: Vibrance +9, Saturation +24, Hue +9, Lightness +7.

The subject of this photo is the rock wall at a close up angle.
Changes: Vibrance +9, Saturation +7, Hue +3, Lightness -7

Texture 2

The subject of this photo is the sandy rocky wall.
Changes: Vibrance -12, Saturation +8, Hue +8,Lightness -14

The subject of this photo is an apple.
Changes: Hue -8, Saturation +9, Lightness -12, Vibrance +20

                                                                            Color 2
The Subject of the matter is the color of the leafs.
Changes: Hue +23, Saturation +28,Vibrance +7

  • What photograph do you feel is your best? Why?
  • What did you discover about yourself as a photographer during this project?
  • If you did this project over again, what would you do differently?

1. My best photo is Texture number 2. It had many things in it that catches you.
2. That you can be more creative of finding more random things. You could take pictures everywhere.
3. I would wanna explore more places to take photos.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Flickr,Line, Color and Texture

    The subject in this photo is a very tall glass building.The angle of the shot is Asymmetry.
     Composition was that the person who took the photo took it from the bottom to the top. The reason why it is successful is that you have to guess what it is.
 Subject of the photo is the colored boat houses. The shot was taken at a medium shot. The composition was that all the boat houses have variety of colors on to them. It makes this photo successful because it had rich colors.
The subject is the ground. The shot was taken at a extreme close up. Composition was the ground looked more "beat" up. The photo was successful because on what angle he took it at.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Shots and Angles Edited.

Low Angle
Vibrance -11
Saturation +17
Hue -5
Lightness +3

Extreme Close Up
Vibrance +1
Saturation +6
Hue +11

Eye Level
Saturation +34
Hue -7
Lightness -17

Close Up
Vibrance 29+
Saturation 16+
Hue -6
High Angle Shot

Vibrance +15
Saturation +27
Hue -7
Lightness -9

Long Shot
Lightness: -11
Black and White


Hue: -7
Lightness: -13

Medium Shot

Saturation: -10
Hue: 8+
Lightness: -10

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Learning Shots and Angles.

Close Up

The is photo is interesting because the whole statue is the main focus.

Long Shot

This photo is getting every detail and thats how it gets the viewers attention.

Bird's eye view

This photo is interesting because it is showing top to bottom.

High Angle shot

This shot is angled to view most of the city.

Rules of Thirds

 It shows the perspectives of the road.

The photo shows many things on the building and diffrent angles.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

American Photography (part 1)

     The video was about how America got involved in to photography and how most people was interested in the making of photos. It showed that photography was used everywhere and how it was important to many others. Many Americans couldn't afford cameras so there would be a cheaper version of a camera which was called the brown box which was only a dollar.
      One of the examples that inspired Americans in to photography was shapes, people posing, advertisement, sports stars, etc.
     The second example that inspired America was that photos were showed everywhere and it was the trend in the 1800-today.
   The one thing that surprised me was that the camera was used during wars and it was used for a "weapon" taking pictures of war, dead people, and battle.
     There is only one question I ask, Did most Americans own Cameras for only for one reason?

Friday, September 9, 2011

What is Art?

What is the meaning of Art? Art is everything... It can be painted, sketched,or photographed. 
    Art represents itself. It means to me that people actually puts their thoughts on their piece. Shouldn't matter on anyones thought besides the artist.
An example of art is "The Scream".
What I know about art is that you have to be creative to design a perfect art piece.
What I want to learn about art is how to make it interesting to me.