
Monday, April 16, 2012

Designing Currency: Your Imaginary Country

  1. Where is your country located?
  2. Describe the culture/people of your country.
  3. What is everyday life like in your country?
  4. What does your country look like? What colors do you see?
  5. What does your country sound like?
  6. What does your country smell like?
  7. What colors are in the flag?
  8. What is your country's slogan? (for example: In God We Trust, etc)
  9. What does your country's seal/freedom symbol look like?
  10.  Name of person in charge of the country and their title.
  11. Denomination Name (you may not use one that is already in existence...)
              My country is located somewhere in a tropical area where its ether sunny, or where it is raining. The people in my country are motivated and want the best adventure of their life. An everyday life in my country is they go skydiving or go in to the ocean. My country looks like a place to do anything you want, there is blue and orange that I would see in my country. My country sounds like a fun place to be. My country smells like a place where you want to be everyday. The colors of this country is blue and orange. There slogan would be something about the republic of the country. The country's seal would be something where it would all connect together like a cycle of things repeating. I would put one of my friends and myself to be in currency, they would be secretary and I'll be the president. The name of this country would be called "Elgoog"

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