
Thursday, May 31, 2012


1. What is the name of your font?  How does the name relate to your font?
2. Describe the style of your font.
3. What was your inspiration when creating your font? 
4. How does your font relate to your personality? Please explain.
5. What was your biggest struggle in creating your font?
6. What was your biggest success in creating your font?
7. If you could create a 2nd font, what would it look like and what would you call it?

               My fonts name is "Nguyen" Its related to the font because of its bold like style. The style of this font is Sans Serif Style. My inspiration of this font was thinking of bolded stylish fonts used through out the world. This relates to my personality from its stylish curvy waves. My biggest struggle from this was to make everything become perfect and the similar to each of them. My biggest success was finishing the whole thing. If I made a second font it would be like a calligraphy style using the pen tool.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Helvetica Recap.

  1. How does a font/typeface create a mood, feeling or image? Describe an occasion when you had a particular reaction to something in print, not because of the content, but because of the font?  
  2. Think of the font you most commonly use when working on your computer. Which one is it and why do you use that one?
  3. How is design an expression of the times? How does politics affect the art of design?
  4. Imagine that the post office, your local bank, or your favorite store or company, whose signage is familiar to you started using a different typeface. How would that change their image or your feeling about that business or organization?
  5. What might you take away from this film in terms of possible effects on your work or other aspects of your daily life?
  6. What changes, if any, has this film made in how you think about print and graphic design.

        A font can create a mood by its figure/shape. When I see the font Times New Roman the top and bottom of it makes it more easier to read then other fonts. The most common font i used is Times New Roman because usually the teacher would ask to print it in that font. Design does make a difference to people, because they like a certain design of it which makes feel that it fits to what their putting it on. Politics affect the design by putting it on govermental documents. In my local area I would change the font so everyone has different kinds of fonts. I wouldn't take anything from the film, because mostly everything that i seen amuses me. The film does change my ways of printing and designing, Because you could have a font that doesn't fit.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


  • Why did you include the images you did in your designs?  What meanings do they have?
  • Which elements and principles did you use and why?
  • What do you think you were most successful at during the creation of this project?

           Elgoog is one of most visited places to be for adventure. The images i used were some symbols that I think that would fit in my country and some images where it would identify this country if it were a place to live, I put images of my self when I was younger and one of my friends. I put lighting hitting the city, because Elgoog is famous for when their is thunder during a sunny day. The elements I used was color i used three different colors on a bill to have people see each images by a section instead of seeing all in one. Space was used in all of the images, I tried to cover everything with an object and not leaving anything blank.The value of this was used by many light colors, blue, pink, purple, and orange. I used shape, but it was fairly used in all the bills. 
            The most successful thing during this project was making the currency. My favorite one was the 1st one I thought it was the perfect one because all the colors blended in it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Designing Currency: Your Imaginary Country

  1. Where is your country located?
  2. Describe the culture/people of your country.
  3. What is everyday life like in your country?
  4. What does your country look like? What colors do you see?
  5. What does your country sound like?
  6. What does your country smell like?
  7. What colors are in the flag?
  8. What is your country's slogan? (for example: In God We Trust, etc)
  9. What does your country's seal/freedom symbol look like?
  10.  Name of person in charge of the country and their title.
  11. Denomination Name (you may not use one that is already in existence...)
              My country is located somewhere in a tropical area where its ether sunny, or where it is raining. The people in my country are motivated and want the best adventure of their life. An everyday life in my country is they go skydiving or go in to the ocean. My country looks like a place to do anything you want, there is blue and orange that I would see in my country. My country sounds like a fun place to be. My country smells like a place where you want to be everyday. The colors of this country is blue and orange. There slogan would be something about the republic of the country. The country's seal would be something where it would all connect together like a cycle of things repeating. I would put one of my friends and myself to be in currency, they would be secretary and I'll be the president. The name of this country would be called "Elgoog"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Animation Wrap Up.

         The idea of this animation was to bring back old retro games from the past. The biggest success to our animation was making the whole thing. There was no struggle making this animation everything went smoothly. I don't think I would change anything, because it was our first idea and it went great. If we made a sequel it would probably feature the past games to the present games.

Animation Wrap Up.

         The idea of this animation was to bring back old retro games from the past. The biggest success to our animation was making the whole thing. There was no struggle making this animation everything went smoothly. I don't think I would change anything, because it was our first idea and it went great. If we made a sequel it would probably feature the past games to the present games.

Animation Wrap Up.

         The idea of this animation was to bring back old retro games from the past. The biggest success to our animation was making the whole thing. There was no struggle making this animation everything went smoothly. I don't think I would change anything, because it was our first idea and it went great. If we made a sequel it would probably feature the past games to the present games.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Nursery Rhyme

                                                An apple a day will keep the doctor away.
      An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Apple in the morning - Doctor's warning
Roast apple at night - starves the doctor outright
Eat an apple going to bed - knock the doctor on the head
Three each day, seven days a week - ruddy apple, ruddy cheek

      The apple calendar represents you should eat apples everyday and on the right represents a sick person and when he eats apple the doctor and him separate from each other.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Vexel portraits

Do you feel your vexel portrait is successful and why?
What was the hardest part of completing this project?
If you could Vexel-ize anything else, what would you do?

No, It was hard to get the right shapes and the color to get right. I thought everything was hard to do. If I could vexel-ize any one it would be Steve Jobs, presenting the iPhone or Kevin Durant.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello, 2012!

This Way!

I can still play. I am 50

                                                                              This is my city!